Friday, February 1, 2008

Hurry kids! Gather around the TV!! It’s time for our favorite show!!!

Nothing warms a house better than Uncle Jesse jamming out some metalcore while teaching the younglings to be little tramps. :-)


ds said...

Wait a second here...that's not the song they really played in the tv show. You know how I know? Two reasons:

1. Uncle Jesse would never be in a band that sweet...he was always just a poser.

2. There's no double bass drum in the video.

Nice find, by the way!

Gary Burkholder said...

I wonder what our poster boy 'LA' would think of that "teaching the younglings to be little tramps" comment?? ;^)

Gary Burkholder said...

At least someone from that show turned out OK:

Lori Louglin

Donny Frey said...

Dave - No question about it, Uncle Jesse was a poser. Question... Is it possible that the double bass drum was programed into that sweet synthesizer guitar thing?

Gary - Who is "LA"?

ds said...

LA is Lance Armstrong, who was "seen" with Ms. Olsen recently.

As for the drums...just listen. That ain't no synthesized drum beat. That double bass is clearly pounded out by some greasy, long haired dude with a teenage moustache, a sleeve full of ink on his arm, and a Nuclear Assualt t-shirt. I'm just sayin.

Donny Frey said...

Nuclear Assault... That reference made me laugh. :-D

Not sure where my head was but now the "LA" reference is very clear. I should have gotten that.